Perceived self-esteem in older people in relation to sports and physical activity


  • Alfonso Javier García Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • Yolanda Troyano Universidad de Sevilla Spain



Self-esteem, Physical Activity and Sports, Older People


Self-esteem is considered a key psychological component of quality of life and personal well-being and has even been proposed as an area of intervention to improve the quality of life in the elderly population. The aim of this study was to analyze self-esteem in people over 65 years old who engaged in sports and physical activities or not. The sample consisted of 184 people; 92 engaged in physical activity and sports and 92 did not. We applied a battery of questionnaires to determine socio-demographic characteristics, the frequency and duration of physical activity and sports, and level of self-esteem. The results show that older people who engage in physical activity and sports have a higher level of self-esteem than those who do not. Based on a program of activities and collective methodologies, other studies have shown a positive relationship between self-esteem and physical activity.


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How to Cite

García, A. J., & Troyano, Y. (2013). Perceived self-esteem in older people in relation to sports and physical activity. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 6(2), 35–41.



Research Reports