Animal-assisted interventions and quality of life: expectations among Spanish University students


  • María A. Perea-Mediavilla Universidad Pablo de Olavide, INTAP-Asociación Nacional de Intervenciones Asistidas por Perros y otros Animales Spain
  • Javier López-Cepero INTAP-Asociación Nacional de Intervenciones Asistidas por Perros y otros Animales, Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • Arcadio Tejada-Roldán INTAP-Asociación Nacional de Intervenciones Asistidas por Perros y otros Animales Spain
  • José Luis Sarasola Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spain



Quality of Life, Animal-Assisted Interventions, Animal-Assisted Therapy, University Students


The present study assessed expectations among university students (N= 474, X= 22.7, SD=5.6 years) towards the pos-sible benefits of animal-assisted interventions on quality of life. Attitudes were measured with the Improving Quality of Life scale, which is an instrument created ad hoc that demonstrated adequate psychometric properties (four easily interpretable factors, with 49% of explained variance and alphas ranging from .76 to .89). The results showed that the participants (from the departments of Social, Health or Educational Sciences) had very positive attitudes (high effect sizes, ES>.80) regardless of training. The experience of sharing households with pets was associated with better expectations. These findings emphasize the high expectations that future professionals in different fields hold regarding animal-assisted interventions, and highlight the current shortcomings in training curricula. The implications of these findings for the development of animal-assisted interventions are discussed.


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How to Cite

Perea-Mediavilla, M. A., López-Cepero, J., Tejada-Roldán, A., & Sarasola, J. L. (2014). Animal-assisted interventions and quality of life: expectations among Spanish University students. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 7(3), 10–18.



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