Children’s preferences for gender-typed objects and colours: a commentary from gender research in Spain


  • Raúl Navarro Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain



Gender, Children, Gender-typed Toys, Gender-typed Colors, Gender-typed Preferences


The main aim of this review was to examine international research on children’s preferences regarding gender-typed objects and colours. Firstly, we provide the theoretical background on gender development to elucidate the ways in which individuals can learn gender stereotypes and develop gender-related preferences. Secondly, we review international research on gender-related preferences. Thirdly, we analyse empirical studies on gender stereotypes in children conducted in Spain and Latin American countries, and show that although gender is a priority research area in these countries, studies on gender development in childhood are lacking. Thus, our aim was to identify a set of issues that provide insights into the development of gender-typed preferences, and that also suggest new directions for researchers in Spanish-speaking countries who are interested in clarifying the relationship between gender and children’s preferences for objects and colours.


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How to Cite

Navarro, R. (2014). Children’s preferences for gender-typed objects and colours: a commentary from gender research in Spain. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 7(3), 1–9.



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