Analysis of the migration process of Colombian families in Spain
Transnational Families, Acculturation, Grounded-Theory, Migratory ProcessAbstract
This study analyses migration as a process centred on the transnational family as told by its main characters: migrants –parents and children– and their families in Colombia. The study is based on the systematic model and methodology of the Grounded Theory approach. The migration process is triggered by a combination of push and pull factors. The pioneers, mainly women, have very diverse profiles. We highlight the difficulty of their first experiences, which they overcome via personal tenacity and external support. Despite the difficulties of the acculturation process, the overall outcome is positive, especially regarding their expectations for their children, who wish to stay in Spain having overcome the initial challenges of adaptation. Children experience their own acculturation process, but there is no conflict between children and parents despite their different acculturation levels. Despite hopes that their integration process Spain would have been better, they are thankful for the support received. Decisions are made and adaptation occurs in the private domain, i.e., the family; however, there is a lack of group awareness or joint social action to improve conditions in the country of origin or to improve integration in the host country.
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