The experience of free will in pro-social behaviour mediated by happiness


  • Joaquim Coma Universitat Ramon Llull, FPCEE Blanquerna Spain
  • Xavier Carbonell Universitat Ramon Llull, FPCEE Blanquerna Spain



Freedom, Determinism, Altruism


Isen and Levin (1972) suggested that pro-social behaviour was mediated by happiness. This study replicated the experiment conducted by Isen and Levin in a sample of 127 people, introducing some changes to adapt it to the current settings. The experience of freedom of the participants was recorded and the results related to Gazzaniga’s construction of belief. The hypothesis provided by Isen and Levin was upheld in the current setting and the experience of free will in the participants.


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How to Cite

Coma, J., & Carbonell, X. (2015). The experience of free will in pro-social behaviour mediated by happiness. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 8(3), 41–47.



Research Reports