Perceived Quality in Early Intervention Centres: Results of a Comparative Analysis
Early Intervention, Perceived Quality, FamiliesAbstract
Early Intervention is currently regarded as an essential strategy to promote the development of children with developmental disorders, or who are at risk of them, and to promote the wellbeing of their families. This article analysed perceived service quality in Early Intervention Centres. The sample comprised 397 families receiving Early Intervention at two centres, where they were administered the Early Intervention Centre Quality Inventory. The results of both studies suggest that the users of both centres positively appraised the service they had received: the dimensions Qualified Staff (M=4.77, SD=0.48) and Technical Information (M=4.54, SD=0.70) obtained the highest mean values. There were significant differences between the studies in the dimensions Facilities (M=4.39, SD=0.41) and Treatment Rooms (M=4.66, SD=0.55). The evaluation of the perceived quality by the families attending Early Intervention Cen-tres serves to identify and weaknesses to be improved and strengths to be maintained in a context of the continuous improvement established in these kinds of services.
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