Mobile and internet addiction in adolescents and its relationship with psychopathological problems and protective variables
psychopathology, mobile, internet, adolescents, protectionAbstract
The objectives of this study were to analyse the relationship between psychopathological problems and mobile phone and internet abuse in adolescents, and whether certain variables that offer protection from psychopathological problems also offer protection against this type of abuse. We administered two questionnaires that measure such abuse. The study included a sample of 269 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years (124 boys and 145 girls). The YSR, CERI, and CERM questionnaires were used to measure psychopathology, internet abuse, and mobile abuse, respectively. The results showed that the abuse of new technologies is particularly related to externalizing symptoms and attention deficit. It was found that variables such as the number of clubs to which the participants belonged, their relationship with parents, autonomy, and school performance in science are protective variables against mobile phone and internet abuse. At the age of 15 years, there was a significant increase in the use of these technologies and their associated psychopathological problems.
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