Social networks: from cyberbullying to online support groups with bullying victims


  • Sergio Tudela de Marcos Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España Spain
  • Ana Barrón López de Roda Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España Spain


bullying, social networks, support groups, online support groups


Bullying is a fairly widespread problem in society. It consists of two main characteristics: a difference in strength between the victim and aggressor; the victim is subjected to a series of negative actions that endure over time. The growing use of ICT by minors has led to an increase in the magnitude and severity of school bullying. One form of intervention with the victims are support groups, which have been demonstrated to be very useful tools to work with groups that have experienced this problem. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the techniques used to intervene with victims of bullying, and to study the possible implementation of support group techniques using social networks as intervention tools. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 6 adults (children protection figures) to analyze the factors that encourage bullying, and to study the implementation of online support groups as an intervention strategy with victims. The data show that the adults accepted the groups as an effective strategy, because of their effects and the advantages that social networks can offer. However, future research is needed to corroborate this result.


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How to Cite

Tudela de Marcos, S., & Barrón López de Roda, A. (2017). Social networks: from cyberbullying to online support groups with bullying victims. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 10(3), 167–177. Retrieved from



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