About the Journal
Focus and scope
Psychological Writings - Escritos de Psicología aims to disseminate scientific advances in all areas of Psychology to contribute to the updating and ongoing training of Psychology professionals. The content of the journal is mainly aimed at specialists, researchers and postgraduate students in the psychological domain.
The journal publishes works of an empirical nature, in Spanish or English, carried out with methodological rigor and that represent a contribution to the progress of any field of scientific psychology. It also publishes works of a theoretical or methodological nature, systematic reviews or presentations of new approaches to relevant questions of Psychology.
The journal was established in 1997, publishing its first print issue that year. As of 2008, the journal is presented as an open access electronic publication, biannual as of February 2019 (previously quarterly).
Peer review
The multidisciplinary journal publishes articles from all areas of scientific psychology through an external and anonymous peer review process.
The submitted manuscript will be forwarded for the confidential and anonymous evaluation (double-blind) by two or more expert reviewers who will issue a report to the journal editors on the advisability of its publication. In the case of differing opinions between both evaluators, the manuscript will be forwarded to a third reviewer. Any revised, publishable manuscript subject to the inclusion of modifications must be corrected and returned by the authors within a maximum period of one month, whether minor or major corrections are requested. If necessary, the new version will be resent to the external reviewers, a procedure that will be repeated until its final acceptance by the journal. The authors will receive the reviewers’ evaluation reports, anonymously, so that they can implement (if applicable) the appropriate corrections.
Ethics and good practices
The journal’s editorial team is committed to guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the published articles. The publication takes as a reference the code of conduct and good practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journal editors.
In compliance with these good practices, the articles are evaluated by anonymous external peers with criteria based exclusively on scientific relevance, originality, clarity and relevance of the submitted manuscript. The confidentiality of the evaluation process and the anonymity of the evaluators and authors, the evaluated content, the reasoned report issued by the evaluators and any other communication issued by the reviewers are guaranteed at all times. Likewise, confidentiality will be maintained in the event of possible complaints, claims or clarifications that an author wishes to formulate to the editorial team or evaluators.
Open access policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The journal uses the Diamond Open Access route.
The journal is completely free of charge for authors and readers.
Writings of Psychology is included in the following databases: Dialnet, DICE, EBSCO, Directorio DULCINEA, H-index: 8 (19 out of 39) according to Google Scholar Metrics (2009-2013), IN-RECS, J-Gate, LATINDEX, PSICODOC, RECOLECTA, REDALYC, REDIB, SciELO, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. Sherpa-Romeo.
Psychological Writings was awarded the qualification of “Excellent” and the seal of quality by the "Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología" (FECYT, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology)
Writings of Psychology maintains a policy on plagiarism that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application of the services of Crossref Similarity Check of Ithenticate, to scan all proposals.
We use the service in all documents that have passed the editorial classification process and are susceptible to be sent to a peer review.
Writings of Psychology reserves the right decision to reject articles with an inappropriate percentage of similarity.
We also have specific plagiarism detection tools such as Unicheck, an open access platform that monitors originality and controls plagiarism.
Author guidelines
Please, consult the author guidelines here.
Digital preservation
Escritos de Psicología uses DOI, which is a persistent identifier, thus ensuring that the link will be preserved. It is also hosted on Dialnet.
Use of interoperability protocols
Psychological Writings incorporates interoperability protocols that allow it to be collected by other distribution systems, accessing through the electronic address https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/baetica/oai
Articles include meta tags in both Spanish and English, on the home page and in the articles.
Author charges
Authors are not asked to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) for this journal in any case.
Annual report 2021
Issues published: 2
January-June 2021
July – December 2021
Number of articles: 14
Original research: 11
Review articles: 2
Editorial: 1
Received/acepted manuscrits: 27/14
From Universidad de Málaga (UMA): 7/5
From Spain (ex UMA): 9/5
International: 11/3
Rejected papers: 13 (48%)
Accepted papers: 14 (52%)
Author affiliations :
España: 16
México: 5
Colombia: 2
Suiza: 1
Argentina: 1
República Dominicana: 1
Portugal: 1
Average time between receipt of manuscript and final acceptance: 116 days.
Average time between acceptance and publication: 6 días
Author evaluation:
In January 2022, we sent a questionnaire to the authors of the articles published in the 2022 to assess their satisfaction with the referee and publication process. Of the 31 sent, 10 were completed and returned. The results show a high level of satisfaction, with high average scores in all items (9 points out of 10). The journal had an average overall score of 9 points.
Annual report 2020
Issues published: 3
January-June 2020
July-December 2020
Number of articles: 9
Original research: 4
Theoretical articles: 5
Authors affiliations:
CONICET, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España
Universidad de Salamanca, España
Universidad de Valencia, España
Universidad Camilo José Cela, España
Universidad Católica de Valencia, España
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
Universidad de Málaga, España
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador
Universidad Continental, Perú
Universidad de la Concepción, Chile
Universidad de las Américas, Chile
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Referees affiliations:
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad de Huelva, España
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad de Valencia
Average time between receipt of manuscript and final acceptance: 137 days
Average time between acceptance and publication: 68 days.
Papers received: 16
Papers rejected: 8 (50%)
Papers accepted: 8 (50%)
Authors evaluation:
In April 2021, the questionnaire presented was sent to the authors of the issues corresponding to 2020 to evaluate online their satisfaction with the referee and publication process. 15 questionnaires have been received. The results show the degree of satisfaction
Annual report 2019
Issues published: 2
Enero – June 2019
July – December 2019
Number of articles: 11
Original research: 9
Theoretical articles: 2
Authors affiliations:
Universidad de La Laguna, España
Universidad Internacional de Valencia, España
Universidad de Valencia, España
Universidad del País Vasco, España
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, España
Universidad de Córdoba, España
Universidad de Sevilla, España
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Universidad Camilo José Cela, España
Universidad de Murcia, España
Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador
Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia
Universidad Católica, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina
Universidad Nacional del Mar del Plata, Argentina
Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal
Universidad de Monash, Australia
Referees affiliations:
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), México
Monash University, Australia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Universidad de Barcelona, España
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad de Huelva, España
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad de Navarra, España
Universidad Intercontinental de México
Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco, México
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Universidad Ramón Llull, España
Universidad Rovira y Virgili, España
Universidad San Martín de Porres, Perú
Average time between receipt of manuscript and final acceptance: 150 days.
Average time between acceptance and publication:73 días
Papers received: 22
Papers rejected: 7 (36%)
Papers accepted: 14 (64%)
Authors evaluation:
In july 2020, the questionnaire presented was sent to the authors of the issues corresponding to 2019 to evaluate online their satisfaction with the referee and publication process. 15 questionnaires have been received. The results show the degree of satisfaction
Annual Report 2018
Issues published: 3
January-April 2018
May-August 2018
September-December 2018
Number of articles: 14
Original research: 11
Review article: 2
Theoretical article: 1
Authors affiliations:
Fundación Arte Pro, México
Instituto de Gestión e Innovación del Conocimiento, Valencia, España
Instituto para la Atención y Prevención de las Adicciones en la Ciudad de México, México
Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación-IRICE, Argentina
Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina
Unidad Técnica de Policía Judicial (Guardia Civil), España
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, México
Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Argentina
Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile
Universidad CEU San Pablo, España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad de San Luis, Argentina
Universidad de Zaragoza, España
Universidad del Valle de México, México
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Universidad Ramón Llull, Barcelona, España
Universidade da Coruña, España
Universitat de València, España
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, España
Referees affiliations:
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad de Oviedo, España
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad del País Vasco, España
Universitat Jaime I de Castellón, España
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Carmen Viejo, Universidad de Córdoba
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Ángel Hernando Gómez, Universidad de Huelva, España
Average time between receipt of manuscript and final acceptance: 151 days (approx. 5 months).
Average time between acceptance and publication: 22 days.
Papers received: 25
Papers rejected: 12 (48%)
Papers accepted: 13 (52%)
Authors evaluation:
In April 2019, the questionnaire was sent to the authors of the issues corresponding to 2018 to evaluate their satisfaction with the referee and publication process. 8 questionnaires have been received The results show a high degree of satisfaction with higher average scores in all items to 6,5 points (which refers to the time between acknowledgement of receipt and receipt of the reviewers’ comments). The journal has obtained an overall average score of 8,1 points.
Annual report 2017
Issues published: 3
January-April 2017
May-August 2017
September-December 2017
Number of articles: 17
Original research: 10
Review article: 1
Clinical case: 1
Theoretical article: 3
Methodology and instrumentation: 2
Authors affiliations:
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad de Salamanca, España
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España
Universitàt de Valencia, España
University of Bern, Suiza
Universidad de Alicante, España
Servicio Andaluz de Salud, España
Universidad de La Laguna, España
Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Sede Regional de Rosario, República Argentina
University of Minho, Portugal
Universidad de Murcia, España
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)/RS-Brasil
Fundação Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, (UFCSPA)/RS-Brasil
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Referees and affiliations:
Universidad de Granada, España
Universidad de Málaga, España
Universidad del País Vasco, España
UNED, España
Universidad de Oviedo, España
Universitàt de Valencia, España
Universitat de Barcelona, España
Average time between receipt of manuscript and final acceptance: 250 days (approx. 8 months).
Average time between acceptance and publication: 110 days (approx. 3,9 months).
Papers received: 14
Papers rejected: 5, (35,7%)
Papers accepted: 9, (64,3%)
Authors evaluation:
In May 2018, the questionnaire presented was sent to the authors of the issues corresponding to 2017 to evaluate their satisfaction with the referee and publication process. 8 questionnaires have been received from the 17 envoys.The results show a high degree of satisfaction with higher average scores in all items to 7.5 points (which refers to the time between acknowledgement of receipt and receipt of the reviewers’ comments). The journal has obtained an overall average score of 8.63 points.