Heidegger’s conception of heraclitean logos


  • Cristóbal Holzapfel Universidad de Chile Chile




Logos, Principle of sufficiente reason, Being, Abyss


Doubtless the major transformation that humanity has experienced until now, is the transit from myth to logos. Heraclit stands out as the thinker of logos. The radical intuition that he has is that cosmos is entirely logos, what, we may say, anticipates the principle of sufficient reason of Leibniz. We follow here the way how Heidegger understands logos, taking distance, at the same time, especially from Leibniz, in so far being can be conceived as logos, ratio, reason or foundament, while he himself lacks of foundament, and therefore is abyss.


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Author Biography

Cristóbal Holzapfel, Universidad de Chile

Cristóbal Holzapfel es profesor titular de la Universidad de Chile.


Líneas de investigación: 

Historia de la filosofía contemporánea; filosofía alemana; Antropología filosófica

Últimas publicaciones:

Ser Humano (Cartografía antropológica), Cinta de Moebio Ediciones, Santiago de Chile,  2014.

Argumentación y proyección de mundo, Editorial Universitaia, 2015.



How to Cite

Holzapfel, C. (2017). Heidegger’s conception of heraclitean logos. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(3). https://doi.org/10.24310/Contrastescontrastes.v22i3.3765