Plato in Germany Some remarks on the reception of the platonic doctrine of ideasin Kant and Wieland


  • Miquel Solans Blasco Universidad de Navarra Spain



Plato; ideas; Kant; athematic knowledge; use-knowledge


In this article I unfold, first, the Kantian critic of platonic ideas in order to show the traditional interpretative presupposition according to which ideas in Plato are to be understood as an objective correlate of an intuition. Next, I develop in general terms the hermeneutical limits of such interpretation, showing that this does not make justice to the non-objectivist forms of knowledge introduced by Plato as the locus in which ideas are originary understood. Finally, I present the fundamentals of Wieland’s non-objectivistic interpretation of platonic ideas and their knowledge.


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Author Biography

Miquel Solans Blasco, Universidad de Navarra

Miquel Solans Blasco es doctor en filosofía


Líneas de investigación

Platón, filosofía antigua, ética y teoría de la acción, hermenéutica.


Últimas publicaciones

«Libertad humana y libertad divina. Una lectura de Cultura y verdad a la luz de la imaginación trascendental» en Naturaleza y libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 9-2017.


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How to Cite

Solans Blasco, M. (2017). Plato in Germany Some remarks on the reception of the platonic doctrine of ideasin Kant and Wieland. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(3).