Scientifi c Prediction and Values: An Analysis of the Structural Dimension and the Dynamic Trai


  • Amanda Guillán Univerdad de A Coruña Spain





When the problem of prediction is considered, two key issues should be considered its scientific value and the values that predictions embrace. This analysis of scientific prediction from an axiological perspective requires several steps. I) To take into account the general coordinates of the axiology of prediction, where the twofold character of the axiology of science is highlighted: the structural dimension and the dynamic aspect. II) To analyze a relevant approach to the values of prediction, such as Nicholas Rescher’s conception, which is mainly structural. III) To extend Rescher’s views on the relation between prediction and values, where a dynamic approach to the axiology of prediction is needed.


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Author Biography

Amanda Guillán, Univerdad de A Coruña

Amanda Guillán es miembro del grupo de investigación de Filosofía y Metodología de las Ciencias de lo Artificial de la Universidad de A Coruña Líneas de Investigación: Filosofía y Metodología de la Ciencia, Predicción científica, Prescripción en Ciencia Aplicada, Las Ciencias de lo Artificial, La Filosofía de Nicholas Rescher

Publicaciones recientes:

(2016): «The Limits of Future Knowledge: An Analysis of Nicholas Rescher’s Epistemological Approach», en GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed.), The Limits of Science. An Analysis from ‘Barriers’ to ‘Confi nes’, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi, pp. 183-206.

(2015): «Towards a New Scenario in the Relations between Technology, Values, and Ethics», en GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed.), New Perspectives on Technology, Values, and Ethics: Theoretical and Practical. Dordrecht: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Springer, pp. 197-202.


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How to Cite

Guillán, A. (2017). Scientifi c Prediction and Values: An Analysis of the Structural Dimension and the Dynamic Trai. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1).

