Focault and the Resistance. A Grammar of the Concept


  • Rodrigo Castro Orellana Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain





The article examines the emergence of the concept of resistance in Foucault’s philosophy, according to their various formulations in the context of the development of analytical power. Within this general framework, they set two fundamental assumptions: that the concept of resistance is a problem of “outside” reactivation formulated in both writings on literature and the archaeological work; and that the notion is challenged again and again by a tautological definition that fails to separate the concept of power. In this way, assuming the defective nature of the concept of resistance, concludes with an assessment of their limitations and possibilities from a dialogue with some of its main critics.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Castro Orellana, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Rodrigo Castro Orellana es Profesor Contratado Doctor Departamento de Historia de la Filosofía, Estética y Teoría del Conocimiento, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Líneas de Investigación: Filosofía contemporánea, filosofía política, teorías postcoloniales y pensamiento latinoamericano

Publicaciones recientes:

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How to Cite

Castro Orellana, R. (2017). Focault and the Resistance. A Grammar of the Concept. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1).

