Celms’ Critique of Husserl’s Solipsism: a Pheno-menological Debate in the Latvian Context


  • Olaya Fernández Guerrero UNED La Rioja Spain






This paper provides a brief introduction to the ideas of Latvian philosopher Teodors Celms, who was one of Husserl’s students and raised some interesting early criticism on phenomenology. Specifically, Celms was interested on the problem of intersubjectivity, as he considered that the phenomenological method results in a solipsism which hinders access to knowledge of other consciousness. This paper presents Celms’ critique and Husserl’s answer to the issue posed by his Latvian pupil.


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Author Biography

Olaya Fernández Guerrero, UNED La Rioja

Olaya Fernández Guerrero es profesora de Filosofía en UNED La Rioja. Líneas de Investigación: Filosofía contemporánea, Estudios de género Publicaciones recientes: (2016): «Cuerpo vivido e (in)visibilidad en Merleau-Ponty», Horizontes filosóficos. Revista de Filosofía, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 6: 37-51. (2016): «Diferencia y heterodesignación. Críticas desde la periferia», en Aragu?és, J. M., Capmartin, T., Mékouar-Hertzberg, N. y Saldaña, A. (eds.) y Paz, F. (coord.), La diferencia en cuestión/La cuestión de la diferencia. La différence en question/ La question de la différence, Zaragoza: Mira Editores, pp. 379-392.


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How to Cite

Guerrero, O. F. (2017). Celms’ Critique of Husserl’s Solipsism: a Pheno-menological Debate in the Latvian Context. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.24310/Contrastescontrastes.v22i1.3412

