The notion of «Spirit» in the Philosophy of Wilhelm Dilthey


  • Luis María Lorenzo CONICET Argentina





The notion of ‘spirit’ is central to Dilthey´s philosophy. It’s not only a concept used to defi ne a scientifi c fi eld, but is mainly the result of the activity of human beings as historical beings. Likewise, it has not a metaphysical burden, because the spirit is fruit of the way in which present, past and future are articulated within the process of life. This article explains Dilthey´s notion of spirit and its links to life.


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Author Biography

Luis María Lorenzo, CONICET

LUIS MARÍA LORENZO es Becario posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Líneas de Investigación:

Filosofía de la Historia y Hermenéutica

Publicaciones recientes:

(2016): “Consideraciones en torno a las aporías en Wilhelm Dilthey”, Eidos 25: 14-42, ISSN 2011-7477.

(2014): “Narración y construcción histórica en Walter Benjamin”, El arco y la Lira. Tensiones y Debates 2: 79-91, ISSN 2344-9292.


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How to Cite

Lorenzo, L. M. (2017). The notion of «Spirit» in the Philosophy of Wilhelm Dilthey. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1).

