Reason and Emotion: Necessary Collaboration for Knowledge


  • Anna Estany Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Spain



reason, emotion, epistemology


The approach to reason can be traced throughout the history of philosophy from Aristotle to Kant to the present day. Emotion has not been alien to philosophy either, although its relationship with reason has motivated debates in which positions on the matter have given rise to disparate epistemological systems. Antonio Damasio's work is extensive with relevant contributions on brain processes, emotions, feelings, and consciousness. The objective of this article is the analysis of some ideas developed by Damasio throughout his work that have special relevance for the philosophy of science and epistemology.


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How to Cite

Estany, A. (2024). Reason and Emotion: Necessary Collaboration for Knowledge. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(3), 5–16.