Raiders of the lost truth

Dialogue between Leonardo Polo, Michel Foucault, Fabrice Hadajadj and Jordan Bernt Peterson


  • Andrés Carrascosa Gil Universidad de Navarra Spain



Truth, Post-truth, L. Polo, M. Foucault, F. Hadjadj, J. B. Peterson


This article establishes a dialogue around the concept of truth presented in Leonardo Polo’s thought and three contemporary thinkers. First, this article will perform an analysis of the french thinker Michel Foucault through his work "Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison". Second, it will describe the main points of confluence with the book "Faith of the demons (or atheism surpassed)[1]" written by the french philosopher Fabrice Hadjadj. Third, it will analyze the book "The twelve rules" written by the canadian psychologist Jordan Bernt Peterson


[1] Téngase en cuenta que en el momento de redacción del presente artículo el libro de Fabrice Hadjadj con título original “La foi des démons (ou l’atheisme dépassé)” todavía no ha sido traducido al inglés.


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How to Cite

Carrascosa Gil, A. (2023). Raiders of the lost truth: Dialogue between Leonardo Polo, Michel Foucault, Fabrice Hadajadj and Jordan Bernt Peterson. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(1), 135–154.

