Ethics as Ethology. Naturalization of a Philosophical Problem


  • Oscar Caicedo Universidad del Atlántico Colombia



Ethology, Neurophilosophy, Emotions, Morality, Evolution


Naturalistic approaches to given philosophical problems are currently not as problematic as they used to be a few decades ago. The excessive speculation on certain topics has steadily receded compared to the scientifically oriented philosophy of present time. This article aims to present a biologically oriented approach to ethics that takes into account information and knowledge from ethology, cognitive science and neuroscience. Questions such as Why are we good?, Why are we so selfish or Why do we cooperate? –All of which stem from the field of ethics– are analyzed from the perspective of the philosophy of biology and neurophilosophy.


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How to Cite

Caicedo, O. (2022). Ethics as Ethology. Naturalization of a Philosophical Problem. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(2), 53–71.

