Between principle and method. Elements for a phenomenological understanding of Bergsonian durée




Bergson, durée, phenomenology, intuition, temporality


A phenomenological reading will be proposed in relation to the Bergsonian concept of durée. For this, we will review the record and reception of Bergson in the phenomenological tradition. Noting the closeness between Bergson and phenomenology, durée is analyzable phenomenologically. That is, the duration understood as the constitution of consciousness, of the real objects of the world and of the relationship between the consciousness that apprehends and the apprehended experience. With this, the method of intuition or intellectual sympathy stands out as a method of division, at the same time, the possibility of objective and essential knowledge regarding reality.


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How to Cite

González Araneda, S. (2022). Between principle and method. Elements for a phenomenological understanding of Bergsonian durée. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(1), 135–153.

