When the streets hold the only answer: The case of the South African ‘#FeesMustFall’ student movement


  • Keamogetse G. Morwe Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Elisa García-España Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Therry M. Luescher University of The Free State South Africa




violence, higher education, access, transformation, student protests


The democratisation of higher education has revealed deeply entrenched inequalities inherent in the system, wherein young people cannot access the system without being confronted by a myriad of obstacles. Worldwide, students have taken to the streets to showcase their discontent with authorities, hoping to generate awareness and acknowledgement about the skewed nature of higher education. South Africa has been no exception to this development. The ‘#FeesMustFall’ movement in 2015 has sent a clear call to politicians to prioritise the foundational transformation of higher education as it continues to be an elitist system, accessible only to a select few. Whereas the South African massification programme, to double the participation rate and expand private higher education, has yielded some benefits over the last decades, the number of African students in higher education institutions has yet to increase. The authorities have failed to respond to the structural inequalities that these students face. This research details the challenges that prompted South African university students to engage in the ‘#FeesMustFall’ protest. It also offers suggestions on how to overcome these challenges to generate long-term change.


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How to Cite

Morwe, K. G., García-España, E., & Luescher, T. M. (2020). When the streets hold the only answer: The case of the South African ‘#FeesMustFall’ student movement . Boletín Criminológico, (26). https://doi.org/10.24310/Boletin-criminologico.2020.v26i2020.8590