The need of a Presentence Report in the sentencing process of community sanctions


  • Elena Larrauri Pijoan Universidad Pompeu Fabra Spain



Presentence Reports, Community Sanctions, Probation


This article tries to find out the reasons that explain the scarce use of Presentence Reports in the Spanish adult criminal justice system. It is based mainly on interviews to Spanish judges to understand why they hardly request such a report. After discussing these reasons the author argues that a Presentence Report is necessary in order to alert the judge about the existence of an appropriate community sentence, and in order to tailor the specific requirements of the community sentence to that offender.


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Author Biography

Elena Larrauri Pijoan, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Catedrática de Derecho penal y Criminología en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Ejerce en la actualidad

de directora del grado de Criminología y Políticas Públicas de Prevención de dicha Universidad. Sus publicaciones académicas versan sobre Criminología Crítica y Violencia de Género, (Madrid, Trotta, 2007), Las Penas Comunitarias en Europa (con Ester Blay, Madrid, Trotta, 2011) y antecedentes penales (con James Jacobs: Are criminal convictions a public matter? The US and Spain, en Punishment & Society 14 (1) January 2012; y Antecedentes penales y reinserción laboral, en Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, 2011). Ha sido presidenta de la European Society of Criminology (2007-2010) y traductora de Cohen, S. (Visions of Social Control) y von Hirsh, A., (Censure and Sanctions).


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How to Cite

Larrauri Pijoan, E. (2012). The need of a Presentence Report in the sentencing process of community sanctions. Boletín Criminológico, (18).