Punitiveness and Criminal Law Reforms. Four homogeneous legislative terms (1996- 2011)


  • José Luis Díez Ripollés Universidad de Málaga Spain




punitiveness, criminal law-making policy, criminal law reforms, criminal justice policy


The persistent trend to continuously pass criminal law reforms started shortly after coming into force the
new Spanish penal code in 1995. This paper aims to assess the numerous legal reforms implemented throughout the four completed legislative terms which have elapsed since then. The Popular party enjoyed parliamentary majority during the two former ones, whereas the Socialist party did the same through the two latter ones. Taking as reference the contrasting values punitiveness and non-punitiveness, it is intended to evaluate quantitatively as well as qualitatively the character of the reforms of the period, and their evolution through the two political phases.


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Author Biography

José Luis Díez Ripollés, Universidad de Málaga

Doctor en Derecho y licenciado en Psicología. Catedrático de derecho penal en la Universidad de Málaga y director del Instituto andaluz interuniversitario de Criminología de esa universidad. Sus recientes líneas de investigación se vinculan con la Política criminal, la política legislativa penal y diferentes asuntos de la Parte general del Derecho penal.



How to Cite

Díez Ripollés, J. L. (2013). Punitiveness and Criminal Law Reforms. Four homogeneous legislative terms (1996- 2011). Boletín Criminológico, (19). https://doi.org/10.24310/Boletin-criminologico.2013.v19i0.7973