The social reintegration and the management of risk recidivism in sex offenders: the “Circles of Support and Accountability” project in Catalonia
sexual offenders, risk management, restorative justice, recidivismAbstract
The need to reduce recidivism among high-risk sex offenders re-entering the community, at the end of their sentences, has led to the development of new strategies for risk management recidivism, one of them being the Circles of Support and Accountability model (CoSA). This model was launched in Canada in 1994 and has
since then been generalized to many Western countries, due to its proven effectiveness in social rehabilitation with these types of offenders. In Catalonia, the project CerclesCat has launched in form of a pilot trial; an experience shared with several European countries, which follows the guidelines of the CoSA model. The current paper describes the main features of this innovative project in risk management for high-risk sex offenders.
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