The implementation of the pre-trial detention in the province of Buenos Aires and the perception of judicial actors


  • Ezequiel Kostenwein Conicet, UNLP, ICJ Argentina



pre-trial detention, procedural reform


In this paper we will analyze the changes that have occurred regarding the regulation of pre-trial detention and prison releases since 1998, the year when the Criminal Procedural Code of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) was structurally reformed. Then, we will exhibit the evidence of judicial actors on both topics to enrich the analysis of the implementation of the precautionary measure.


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Author Biography

Ezequiel Kostenwein, Conicet, UNLP, ICJ

Abogado (UNLP), Magister en Criminología (UNL) y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (UNLP).
Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP). Becario Posdoctoral de Conicet, trabaja la prisión
preventiva como problema público en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Coordinador del Área de Sociología de la
Administración de la Justicia Penal en el Instituto de Cultura Jurídica por la misma Facultad.


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How to Cite

Kostenwein, E. (2015). The implementation of the pre-trial detention in the province of Buenos Aires and the perception of judicial actors. Boletín Criminológico, (21).