Applied procedural justice. Effects of interaction between minors and police


  • Pedro Achutegui Otaolaurruchi Criminólogo en Arrats Elkartea Spain



institutional trust, procedural justice, police legitimacy, juveniles


Institutional legitimacy and trust are two of the factors having more influence on the opinion of young people about the police. However, their concept of “authority” is key to understanding their willingness to
accept the demands made by the police, even though they can consider they are not entirely fair. The results of this research based on qualitative methodology shows that young people have a good opinion about the police in general and are willing to cooperate with it, even though they think they are not well treated by the authorities.


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Author Biography

Pedro Achutegui Otaolaurruchi, Criminólogo en Arrats Elkartea

Máster en Psicología Jurídica y Peritación Psicológica Forense (UPV) y licenciado en Criminología (UA). Actualmente se encuentra realizando el Máster Universitario en Sistema de Justicia Penal (Interuniversitario coordinado por la UdL). Sus líneas de investigación son la justicia procedimental, la justicia terapéutica, y los delitos de odio y discriminación.


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How to Cite

Achutegui Otaolaurruchi, P. (2016). Applied procedural justice. Effects of interaction between minors and police. Boletín Criminológico, (22).