Mothers with addictions in prison: profile, prison experiences and future expectations


  • Carmen Navarro Villanueva Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona Spain
  • Jenny Cubells Serra Universitat Autónoma De Barcelona Spain



incarceration, motherhood, addictions


The addictions of incarcerated people constitute a central issue in the analysis of the penal and penitentiary system in our country, given the high number of people who have offended as a result of these addictions. Among the female prison population, alcohol and/or drug consumption is very high. So is the number of imprisoned mothers. Hence, the main objective of this paper is to bring together the relationship between motherhood and addictions among women in prison. For some women, drug use entails both the loss of custody of their children and, in some cases, the revocation of prison benefits. To this end, we will outline the profile of incarcerated mothers who are drug users, also giving an account of their experiences in prison and their expectations for the future.


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How to Cite

Navarro Villanueva, C., & Cubells Serra, J. (2024). Mothers with addictions in prison: profile, prison experiences and future expectations. Boletín Criminológico, (30).