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Relationship between sexting and pornography in adolescents: preliminary findings from an empirical study


  • Noelia Valenzuela García Universidad de Cádiz Spain


sexting, pornography use, adolescence, survey


In the new digital era, the virtual world provides a space to develop new sexual practices, such as sexting, as well as continuing to engage in traditional practices, such as pornography. The scientific literature has indicated an association between these two practices. This research aims to analyze the possible correlation between engaging in sexting practices and early initiation of pornography consumption, as well as the frequency and type of pornography consumed. A study was conducted with a sample of 625 adolescents enrolled in public high schools in the province of Cádiz, Spain. A paper questionnaire was used, and the data were recorded in an Excel document and imported into the statistical program SPSS. The main results appear to indicate a clear association between active and passive sexting behaviors with pornography consumption, specifically regarding age and a dominant type of pornography.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela García, N. (2023). Relationship between sexting and pornography in adolescents: preliminary findings from an empirical study. Boletín Criminológico, (29). Retrieved from