Fear of crime and vulnerability of in the Andalusian population: data from the Research PACIS 2019
fear of crime, Andalusia, locus of projection, vulnerability theoriesAbstract
Focused on fear of crime, this article analyzes the data about fear of crime gathered by the 9th Citizen Panel for Social Research in Andalusia (PACIS), a survey
implemented by the Advanced Social Research Institute (IESA) in 2019. These analyses contribute to the literature related to fear of crime in several manners: (1) by exploring the three dimensions of fear of crime in the Andalusian population, (2) by distinguishing between external and internal locus of projection of the fear, and (3) by explaining these dimensions in relation to sociodemographic —victimization, gender, age, educational level, and economic situation— identified as covariant variables by the Vulnerability Model of fear of crime. To this end, first, this article sets the theoretical basis of the concept of fear of crime. Second, it describes the methodology applied in this investigation. Then, it presents the results obtained in the statistical analyses of the data and, finally, both the results and the conclusions are discussed.
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