Criminological aspects of sexual abuse in the field of sport: special reference to the execution of a position of advantage and its consequences on the victims


  • Daniel Montesdeoca Rodríguez Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain


sexual abuse of children, sexual victimization in sport, exploitation by the sexual perpetrator, secondary victimization


The crimes of sexual abuse of minors, as part of criminality of a sexual nature, have been increasing in recent years. This circumstance may be due to the change in the social perception of sexual abuse, thus enabling an increase in complaints. Among the sexual abuses of minors, those that are committed in the field of sport, and in which the perpetrators are coaches or teachers of the victim, stand out for their special characteristics. This sports environment, healthy
and surrounded by benefits in the progressive evolutionary development of the minor, is sometimes used in the opposite direction by sexual offenders to achieve their purposes. The so defined influence of the teacher or coach with respect to his student, is used to execute the illicit purpose, taking advantage of this asymmetry of power to carry out his actions. The circumstances that surround the victims after suffering these traumatic events are evident and are framed in secondary victimization, consequences that are combated thanks to the incorporation in our criminal legal system of specific legislation on crime victims. 


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Author Biography

Daniel Montesdeoca Rodríguez, Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Daniel Montesdeoca Rodríguez (Contratado Doctor acreditado) es Doctor en Derecho en materia de Derecho Penal y Justicia Restaurativa. Máster en Resolución de Conflictos y Mediación. Titulado Superior en Ciencias
Criminológicas. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad profesional como Profesor Ayudante Doctor de Derecho Penal en el Departamento de Derecho Público de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


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How to Cite

Montesdeoca Rodríguez, D. (2021). Criminological aspects of sexual abuse in the field of sport: special reference to the execution of a position of advantage and its consequences on the victims. Boletín Criminológico, (27). Retrieved from