Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and criminal phenomena: between crime and development


  • Dévika Pérez-Medina Universidad de Cádiz Spain



cyberspace, legal analysis, Bitcoin, crimes


Blockchain is a technology used to stock data that grow rapidly. This is the technology mostly used to create and host another recent phenomenon, cryptocurrencies. Criminal organizations also took advantage of the cryptocurrency for carrying out and financing illegal activities. Even though the operation of the blockchain is based on the clarity and transparency of its blocks, research shows that they are also linked to crimes such as money laundering, terrorist financing, or the purchase of illicit services. The objective of this study is to analyze the Spanish criminal jurisprudence on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, putting it in relation to the criminal domains highlighted by the doctrine and the administrative and legislative authorities of Spain and the European Union. In this regard, our findings show that there is a clear difference between both doctrines and courts. Whilst the doctrinal, legislative and administrative sphere focus on the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies related to money laundering, terrorist financing and the purchase of illegal material, the cases that have reached the Spanish Courts have been mostly for fraud.


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Author Biography

Dévika Pérez-Medina, Universidad de Cádiz

Dévika Pérez Medina es doctoranda en el área de Derecho penal y Criminología. Su tesis doctoral investiga las implicaciones jurídicas y criminológicas de la tecnología blockchain y las criptomonedas. Es graduada en Derecho y Máster en Sistema Penal y Criminalidad por la Universidad de Cádiz.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Medina, D. (2020). Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and criminal phenomena: between crime and development. Boletín Criminológico.