Perceptions of the legitimacy of the Spanish police and justice among immigrants settled in Málaga


  • Elena Casado-Patricio Universidad de Málaga Spain



Institution;, compliance;, immigration;, survey


Specialized literature has shown that institutional legitimacy has positive implications for compliance and cooperation. The relevance of this research stands in the increase of the immigrant population in Spain and the lack of studies within this population. This article is a first approach to the study of immigrants’ perceptions of Spanish police and justice, specifically, the legitimacy given to these institutions by the settled immigrants in Malaga (Spain). Applying quantitative methods, it is analyzed whether the perception of legitimacy varies according to sociodemographic characteristics and experiences as victim or perpetrator. The results show that immigrants’ perceptions of institutional legitimacy vary depending on the institution. Precisely, legitimacy decreases after having suffered or committed a crime, and this perception varies depending on the age of the respondent. According to these results and to the procedural justice theory, settled immigrants in Malaga should comply and cooperate with Spanish police and justice.


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Author Biography

Elena Casado-Patricio, Universidad de Málaga

Elena Casado Patricio es becaria FPU de la Universidad de Málaga. Graduada en Criminología y Máster en Derecho Penal y Política Criminal; y Sociología Aplicada. Actualmente, desarrolla su tesis doctoral sobre menores extranjeros no acompañados. Entre sus áreas de interés se encuentran también la política criminal, la reinserción de delincuentes, el tratamiento de menores infractores, la justicia procedimental y la percepción de las víctimas extranjeras sobre el sistema judicial español. Este trabajo se inserta en un proyecto de investigación del Observatorio Criminológico del Sistema Penal ante la Inmigración (OCSPI) del que la autora es miembro.


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How to Cite

Casado-Patricio, E. (2020). Perceptions of the legitimacy of the Spanish police and justice among immigrants settled in Málaga . Boletín Criminológico.