New penitenciary regime? Privation of liberty and imprisonment effects in Venezuela
penitenciary regime, subculture, privation of liberty, prison, VenezuelaAbstract
The aim is to describe, expose, discuss and analyze the main aspects that charactierize the so-called “new penitenciary regime” that is being implemented in Venezuela, as part of plan organized by the ministry with such competence. Having obtained access to a penitentiary center and a police jail in the country, using qualitative methodology, through observation of daily routine and dynamics, as well as interviews with prisoners, the collection of important information on such aspects. Analyzing the same, in light of theoretical and empirical approaches to the effects of incarceration, it was found that this new prison regime distinguishes and in which it is not, generating new forms of informal organization in private freedom, such as corruption, extortion and the informal economy, as well as motivating the emergence of leadership among inmates. At the same time, this regime deepened the suppressive character of the self of imprisoned individuals, opening the way to more forms of institutional violence and increasing the negative effects of imprisonment. It is concluded that this regime is generating a new man as it is wielded from the public entity that implements it, but it is a new man who will be seriously affected by the biopsychosocial consequences that deprivation of liberty generates under the parameters of this new prison regime.
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