Is the distance important? (I): the degree of compliance with the legislation about gaming establishments and educational centres


  • Jordi Ortiz García Universidad de Extremadura Spain



public policy, betting shops, normative compliance, criminological implications


The social alarm caused by the rise of gambling and bets among minors, the advertising of betting shops and the proliferation of these stores in our cities and towns has forced the different Spanish institutions to react, in a more or less thoughtful way, through the elaboration of norms that regulate -more- the gaming sector. Among its objectives we identify the minimization of possible psychological and socio-economic harm derived from gambling, prevent the participation of the most vulnerable population, regulate the advertising or limit the opening of new premises depending on the distance between them, educational centers and other betting premises. One of the first institutions to take action has been the Junta de Extremadura, through Decreto-Ley 1/2019, of February 5th., which regulates the minimum mandatory distance between gaming establishments to educational centers and the mandatory minimum distance between the game establishments themselves. The objective of this work is to analyze the degree of compliance with these measures in Extremadura, with special attention to the city of Cáceres.


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Author Biography

Jordi Ortiz García, Universidad de Extremadura

Profesor de la Universidad de Extremadura


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How to Cite

Ortiz García, J. (2020). Is the distance important? (I): the degree of compliance with the legislation about gaming establishments and educational centres. Boletín Criminológico, (26).