The Ideological and Costumbrista Novels by Emilio Castelar
Ideological novel, Costumbrismo, Emilio Castelar, 19th century novelAbstract
The aim of this contribution is the study and classification of a series of novels by Emilio Castelar which have elements in common with nineteenth-century ideological and costumbrista narrative. After a necessary contextualisation of the author's works
within the framework of Spanish literary history and criticism, the selected novels (Ernesto, 1855; La hermana de la caridad, 1857; Historia de un corazón, 1874; Ricardo, 1877) are presented and judged in order to specify some general characteristics of the
works taken as an object. All this will allow us to establish the place of Castelar’s forgotten novelistic work in the Spanish literary history of the 19th century.
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