Typification of Celastrus senegalensis and C. europaeus (Celastraceae, Celastroideae)
gymnosporia, Maytenus, Boissier, Lamarck, lectotype, neotype, nomenclatureAbstract
The nomenclatural types of Celastrus senegalensis Lam., basionym of the current name Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell, and C. europaeus Boiss., basionym of M. senegalensis subsp. europaea (Boiss.) Rivas Martínez ex Gu?emes & M.B. Crespo (Celastraceae, Celastroideae), are discussed. A specimen preserved in the herbarium P, at the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, is treated in this work as the neotype of M. senegalensis, and a specimen kept in the herbarium G, at the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques of Genève, is designated as the lectotype of M. senegalensis subsp. europea.
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