Phenomorphological strategies of Mediterranean shrub-land species (Andalusia, Spain)


  • Teresa Navarro Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Baltasar Cabezudo Universidad de Málaga Spain



Phenomorphology, Mediterranean shrubland species, adaptative strategies


A phenomorphological study was carried out in southern Spain (Sierra de Mijas, Málaga) in order to recognise the dynamic stages of a community compounded by 32 shrub Mediterranean species. We have recognised two different dynamic stages: maquis and garriga and the growth activity among the different species have been compared. The plant community shows an asynchronous phenological trend as regard as the vegetative activity (growing throughout the year with a peak in Autumn and Spring) and flowering (with a maximum peak during Spring and two lower ones in Autumn and early Summer). This is in relation with their adaptation strategies in growth activity modulation due to the Mediterranean climate (Summer drought). The results show four di fferent groups: a. Evergreen sclerophyllous species limiting their growth activity and flowering to a brief period before the dry stress (April-May). b. Autumn-deciduous with vegetative and reproductive activities limited to Spring. c. Summer-deciduous with vegetative activity in Autumn and Winter, lowering in Spring and stops in the dry season shedding their leaves and shoots. d. Summersemideciduous species, growing throughout the year, with maximum vegetative activity in Spring and Autumn and diminishing in the cold season. The peak of flowering takes place in Spring, hut extends to Summer and Autumn.


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Author Biographies

Teresa Navarro, Universidad de Málaga

Dpto. Biología Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias

Baltasar Cabezudo, Universidad de Málaga

Dpto. Biología Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias


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How to Cite

Navarro, T., & Cabezudo, B. (1998). Phenomorphological strategies of Mediterranean shrub-land species (Andalusia, Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 23, 133–148.




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