Elements for a semiotic reading of the Islamic ṣalāt





Islam, Performance, Ritual, Semiotics, Philosophy of Religion


This paper is an aesthetic-semiotic reading of the Islamic ṣalāt. Often considered as prayer due to the influence of intellectual colonialization, several current works have questioned this definition. This paper aims to show this practice from an aesthetic, ethnoscenological and semiotic perspective to highlight other anthropological elements of the performance such as energetic transfers, the link with nature or the deep use of the senses.


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Author Biography

Antonio de Diego González, Universidad de Málaga

Antonio de Diego González (Málaga, 1986) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Universidad de Málaga. He received a MA in Contemporary History (2015) and a PhD (2016) on the history and doctrines of the Tijaniyya Tariqa in contemporary West Africa both at Universidad de Sevilla. His research focuses on the history of Islamic and Islamicate Philosophy from a global perspective. He is also interested interested in the reception of Late Antiquity, Neoplatonic and Hermetic thought in medieval and contemporary philosophy. His current research project (2023-2026) is a new annotated translation into Spanish of Ibn 'Arabi's Fusus al-Hikam and its analysis from the perspective of contemporary symbolic hermeneutics and recovering the philosophical character of this work. He is the author of "Ley y Gnosis. Historia intelectual de la tariqa Tijaniyya" (Editorial Universidad de Granada, Granada, 2020) and "Populismo Islámico" (Almuzara, Córdoba, 2020).


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How to Cite

de Diego González, A. (2023). Elements for a semiotic reading of the Islamic ṣalāt. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 7(1), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.24310/raphisa.7.1.2023.18287



Trascendencia, naturaleza y tradición. Filosofías y modelos de pensamiento al sur del Sahara. Antonio de Diego González (Ed.)