What is the so-called “mystique sauvage”?

A reading of the concept of wild mysticism beyond the contribution of Michel Hulin


  • Pablo Gutiérrez Echegoyen Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Spain




wild mysticism, secular/religious, spontaneous event/deliberate search, interpretation of the mystical experience, religious conversion, God's grace



In this article, I intend to show that the concept of wild mysticism (mystique sauvage) as it was developed by Michel Hulin—in a book published exactly thirty years ago—points to a key dimension of the religious phenomenon that must be taken into account by the disciplines dedicated to its study (philosophy, theology, anthropology, etc.), especially if the question studied is what we call “mysticism” (or “contemplation”). I also try to show that Hulin uses the concept of wild (or sauvage) in three interrelated senses: the psychological (the one that opens all this reflection), the existential and the hermeneutic. On this basis, I finally argue that Hulin's contribution justifies a broader reflection on the concept of wild (sauvage) in mysticism that extends to considerations about a certain type of religious conversion and about the idea of grace as divine spontaneity and event, addressed here in the context of Christian mysticism.



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Echegoyen, P. (2023). What is the so-called “mystique sauvage”? : A reading of the concept of wild mysticism beyond the contribution of Michel Hulin . Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 7(2), 79–100. https://doi.org/10.24310/Raphisa.2023.v7i1.16448


