The "accommodation policy" of the Society of Jesus in the Ming Dinasty: The first cultural communications between Europe and China


  • Huiling Luo Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain



China, sinology, Ming dinasty, Jesuit missionaries, Policy of accommodation


The "policy of adaptation" was a peaceful way of spreading the doctrines of God. However, that strategy was not supported by all the missionaries in the East. In the specific case of China, Catholic Evangelization encountered enormous difficulties in the initial stage of the process. The main reasons of those difficulties were the uniqueness of Chinese culture and mentality and the complexity of ideological diffusion in such an immense country - a country with an absolutely centrist power. It should be also noted that the Jesuit missionaries who arrived in the land of Ming played a pioneering role in the scientific communication between China and the West.


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How to Cite

Luo, H. (2022). The "accommodation policy" of the Society of Jesus in the Ming Dinasty: The first cultural communications between Europe and China. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 6(1), 51–68.