El escéptico ante Dios.



  • Héctor Sevilla Godínez Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico




deity, uncertainty, reality, truth, scepticism.


Astonishment at the sublime does not always produce a theistic reaction; in fact, the recognition of the absolute can lead to the discrediting of the representations about the divinity and, even, to the suspension of the judgment around that existence. When absolute is not associated with some kind of personification, it produces uncertainty. If our knowledge is built from fictitious elaborations, the only thing that remains is to recognize ignorance. Accepting it in this way does not lead to the denial of knowledge, but rather to show scepticism about what is known. In other words: not knowing implies maintaining uncertainty. We have knowledge that delimits our position in the face of what we believe to be real, but we are not possessors, in the sceptic's point of view, of any knowledge that is based on a truth that cannot be doubted. Seen this way, the sceptic shows respect for the absolute by desisting from affirming anything about it.


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How to Cite

Sevilla Godínez, H. (2021). El escéptico ante Dios. : Español. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 5(2), 107–132. https://doi.org/10.24310/Raphisa.2021.v6i2.12502


