Español The expressive creation of the body through music in compulsory secondary education



  • Sara Cuevas Romero Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) Spain



creativity, expression, experiential, comprehensive learning


In the didactic intervention that is presented, the expressive corporal creation is developed in the students of the second year of Compulsory Secondary Education, which starts from the search for musical and expressive corporal resources, where hearing and corporal expression converge, in addition to the knowledge of musical language. as a learning process.It is developed with a sample of 90 students from the same educational center. The objective of the educational experience was to promote capacities, abilities, attitudes and creative aptitudes through corporal expression. It is carried out through an active, cooperative methodology, in three class groups, where flexible groupings are used that favor enrichment among the students. The evaluation tool has been a rubric. Throughout the didactic intervention, data is collected from each class group in the experiential phase, deepening phase and in the creative expression phase. In the conclusions obtained, it can be deduced that the creation of corporal expression through music is currently presented as necessary to promote creative development, through didactic interventions in which experiential, comprehensive and quality learning is encouraged.


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How to Cite

Cuevas Romero, S. (2023). Español The expressive creation of the body through music in compulsory secondary education: Español. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 5(1), 38–46.

