Social media and political alienation. Alienation and single thought


  • António dos Santos Queirós Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon Portugal

Mots-clés :

Alienation, single thoughts, media, political philosophy, ethics


This paper wants to discuss the political dimension of the human being, and what means the good and the devil, for the XXI century polices of communication.
From… the Aristotelian Man, that is not only a philosophical abstraction, but also a citizen; Aristotle’s thought builds a bridge between tw dimensions of human being, the philosophy of existence and political philosophy.
To… the utilitarian ethics of Jeremy Bentham and Stuart Mill, assumes that “not only any action of a private individual, but all the Government measures” must improve the well-being and reduce suffering. Far away the primacy of duty (eudaimonia) from Aristotle, he based morality of action on benefits back to their subject and/or in the principle of less suffering caused to the “other”.
And crossing… the XIX century when Feuerbach and Marx focused the debate about the concept of alienation on the religion issue.
To… Lukacs, Marcuse, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger,
This paper wants to focus the philosophical debate, about the question of political alienation, in the XXI century philosophical practices and ethical practices, what means discuss the key question: Alienation and single thought. What are the hidden philosopheme of single thought? Alienation on the discourse of social media, multimedia and cybernetic communication, why and how are diffused?


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Comment citer

dos Santos Queirós, A. (2019). Social media and political alienation. Alienation and single thought. TSN Transatlantic Studies Network, (7), 65–86. Consulté à l’adresse