From the tragedy of human conditioning to the liberating hope of communication: ethical challenges


  • Sónia Pedro Sebastião ISCSP, CAPP/FCT, Universidade de Lisboa Portugal


Human Condition, Democracy, Exclusions, Ethics, ICT, social movements


This article presents a reflection on the human condition inspired by the thoughts of Arendt, Elias and Zambrano, highlighting the tragedy of conditioning and the hope of liberating man with the emergence of democracy and the widespread use of communication technologies. Despite the existence of a liberating hope, we highlight the paradoxes associated with the persistence of exclusions, the silence of majorities and mediated protest, in a transparent society full of ethical challenges that we seek to map.


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Author Biography

Sónia Pedro Sebastião, ISCSP, CAPP/FCT, Universidade de Lisboa

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales en la especialidad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Profesora asociada y coordinadora de la Unidad de Comunicación Científica y Pedagógica en ISCSP (Universidade de Lisboa). Investigadora integrada en CAPP con investigación en las áreas de comunicación estratégica, participación y ciudadanía


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How to Cite

Pedro Sebastião, S. (2019). From the tragedy of human conditioning to the liberating hope of communication: ethical challenges. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (8), 127–136. Retrieved from