The fallacy of the midpoint in the public debate


  • Tasia Aránguez Sánchez Universidad de Granada Spain


Rhetoric, argumentation, fallacy, media, debate


For Aristotle virtue is at the midpoint between two extremes, which are two vices (one by excess and one by default). The midpoint, mesotés, represents the position of moderation. However, the midpoint theory is a topic that can constitute an argumentative fallacy. Kelsen pointed out that geometry can only divide a line into two equal parts, knowing beforehand what the two extreme points are. Apparently the doctrine of the middle point allows us to find the most virtuous solution to a problem, but it can serve to give an appearance of rationality (of calculation) to a commonly accepted position. Through this operation, the debate on the merits is evaded and the adversary parties are made to appear disproportionate. The appeal to the midpoint is a topic of public debate that can be used in any problem in which a position can be established in favor, another against and another between them. A current example is the debate about prostitution. The free fixation of the ends allows to justify any conclusion.


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Author Biography

Tasia Aránguez Sánchez, Universidad de Granada

Doctora en Derecho y licenciada tanto en esta materia como en Filosofía. Ejerce la docencia en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Granada. Es especialista en retórica, materia sobre la que versó su tesis doctoral y sobre la que ha publicado artículos científicos y el libro Argumentación jurídica y ética de la virtud. También es especialista en teoría feminista, feminismo jurídico y en el derecho a la salud de las mujeres. Sobre esta materia ha publicado el libro ¿Por qué la endometriosis concierne al feminismo? Escribe en Tribuna Feminista, The Conversation y Estrella Digital, entre otros medios.


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How to Cite

Aránguez Sánchez, T. (2019). The fallacy of the midpoint in the public debate. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (7), 99–106. Retrieved from