Dichotomy Public-Private. Refugee Women: Subject or Not Subject of International Refugee Law?


  • Carmen Miguel Juan Universidad de Valencia Spain




International protection, gender persecution, dichotomy public-private, androcentric bias


Even though gender is not specifically referenced in the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees, during the last decade many efforts had been made in order to take into account gender in the status determination processes, and many women have been granted refugee status on account of their gender. Notwithstanding women still face more difficulties than men to be recognized as refugees due to the androcentric bias in the law interpretation. A more inclusive interpretation of the law is needed so as to widen the subject of the International Refugee Law and affirm the universality of this area of the law. To that end, defy the dichotomy public-private is of paramount importance


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Author Biography

Carmen Miguel Juan, Universidad de Valencia

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Valencia. Abogada especializada en derecho de las mujeres, con énfasis en mujeres refugiadas. Título de Experto Jurídico en Migraciones Internacionales y personas en Movimiento Transnacional. Durante los dos últimos años y medio ha sido la directora legal regional de Women’s Link Worldwide. Entre 2008-2015 ha sido docente en la Universidad Jaume I Castellón en el Máster de Investigación Aplicada a los Estudios Feministas, de Género y Ciudadanía. Extensa trayectoria profesional en diferentes organizaciones del tercer sector en temas de migraciones, asilo y sociedad civil: Alianza por la Solidaridad, Fundación IPADE y CEAR.


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How to Cite

Miguel Juan, C. (2017). Dichotomy Public-Private. Refugee Women: Subject or Not Subject of International Refugee Law?. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (4), 145–154. https://doi.org/10.24310/transatlantic-studies-network.4.2017.19363