María Zambrano (1904-2004). «Reason, poetry, beliefs, commitment»


  • Roberto Carlos Abínzano Universidad Nacional de Misiones Argentina



Spanish philosophy, Mutual ignorance, Possibility to recognize ourselves, Appreciation of a trans-rationalistic thinking, Teaching, Commitment


The projection of the thought of the spanish philosophers toward Latin America found in this opportunity a propitious field thanks to the agreement between our universities. The opportunity to break an old and vain isolation its open. From the María Zambrano classroom´s in the Univeristy of Málaga we start to walk a road. But this it’s not only about a tribute to an relevant intellectual of the contemporary thought, this is much more than that: this is about continuing an itinerary of social and politic commitment with bases in a philosophic proposal that not hug only in rationalism because its integrate to others ways of seeing, thinking, imaging and experience reality.
In this short article, that was at first a dissertation, I try to point out some relevant aspects of Zambrano´s work but also to establish points of coincidence from my anthropological formation, above all thing, in the valorization of the poetics as a privilege form of speaking to express that its forbidden to the reason, as its experience.


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Author Biography

Roberto Carlos Abínzano, Universidad Nacional de Misiones

Doctor en Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Antropología y Etnología de América. Universidad de Sevilla. Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina. Profesor Titular de Teorías antropológicas y sociológicas contemporáneas en el Postgrado (Maestría y Doctorado) en Antropología Social. Director del Programa de Investigaciones interdisciplinarias sobre regiones de frontera, estados, sistemas socioculturales y territorios. Director del Proyecto Antropología de las relaciones transnacionales en las regiones de frontera. Geopolítica continental, políticas públicas y regiones de frontera. La triple frontera de Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay.


Abellán, J. L. (2006). María Zambrano: una pensadora de nuestro tiempo. Barcelona, Anthropos Editorial.

Gusddorf, G. (1953). Mythe et métaphysique, París, reeditado en 1984.

Rodríguez Genovés, F. (2001). «Tres poetas filósofos españoles: Santayana, Zambrano, Aranguren», Teorema. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, vol. XX/1. «Suplemento Limbo», n. o 13, Boletín de la Cátedra Jorge Santayana del Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 1-18.

Savater, F. y otros (1985). Historia de la filosofía. Curso de Orientación Universitaria. Barcelona, Noguer Didáctica.



How to Cite

Abínzano, R. C. (2017). María Zambrano (1904-2004). «Reason, poetry, beliefs, commitment». TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (3), 75–81.