TTIP. State of the art and reflections


  • Pablo Podadera Rivera Universidad de Málaga Spain



TTIP, EU, USA, International trade, Free trade, Economic integration, Transatlantic relations


The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP, its acronym in English) is an of the main concerns in the Decalogue priorities of the European Union and the European Commission today (among others as the completion of the Internal Market, the European Union Energy and climate change policy toward the future, the consolidation of Economic and Monetary Union, or a new policy on immigration). Currently we are facing the fourteenth round of negotiations of the agreement, scheduled for this June in Brussels, in a climate of growing uncertainty and skepticism and progressive tension between the parties to the lack of progress in the talks. This paper intends to an objective and impartial analysis of state of the art, based on some studies on the subject and the progress of the negotiations, to finally present a set of reflections on the issue.


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Author Biography

Pablo Podadera Rivera, Universidad de Málaga

Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Málaga (UMA). Profesor titular de la Universidad de Málaga (Departamento de Política Económica de la Facultad de Económicas). Catedrático Jean Monnet Ad Personam de Economía Europea. Máster en Estudios Europeos (Iniciativa Europea EUROFORM). Coordinador del Máster Oficial de la Universidad de Málaga en Cooperación Internacional y Políticas de Desarrollo. Publicaciones y proyectos de investigación en torno a los temas: Desarrollo local; Economía y Política de la Unión Europea; Innovación tecnológica y Desarrollo Territorial; Cooperación internacional; Cohesión Económica, Social y Territorial en la UE.


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How to Cite

Podadera Rivera, P. (2016). TTIP. State of the art and reflections. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (2), 155–165.