Everyday life under Bernardo de Gálvez’ government


  • Marion Reder Gadow Universidad de Málaga Spain




Bernardo de Gálvez, Pensacola, Nueva Orleans, Army, Winder le Count Cannon, Daily life, Military justice


The study approaches the stage in which Bernardo de Gálvez assumes the government of the Louisiana, where atypical situations take place but that also must be announced, as the conviviality of people of very diverse origin that, therefore, there have a common language nor same creed. The military foreign presence, as the free American company supervised by an official Englishman that deserted of his unit, could alter the daily occupation of New Orleans. Pensacola’s capture left a series of deep fingerprints in the province of the Louisiana, since it bears witness to the case presented in this study. The documentation comes from the correspondence between Bernardo de Gálvez and the Court, as well as from judicial processes, in I make concrete the lawsuit of the official Englishman of the regiment of Maryland, Winder le Count Cannon.


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Author Biography

Marion Reder Gadow, Universidad de Málaga

Doctora en Historia, Catedrática de Historia Moderna de la Universidad de Málaga (UMA), donde imparte clase. Sus principales líneas de investigación versan sobre Historia de América, de Málaga, de las Mentalidades, de la invisibilidad de la mujer y su formación intelectual, Guerra de la Independencia e Historia Militar.



How to Cite

Reder Gadow, M. (2016). Everyday life under Bernardo de Gálvez’ government. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (2), 91–101. https://doi.org/10.24310/transatlantic-studies-network.vi2.19219