Exile in the United Kingdom: Arturo Barea, José Castillejo, Alberto Jiménez Fraud and Salvador de Madariaga, and their Ideas on Spain and Europe (1936-1951)


  • Stephen Roberts Universidad de Nottingham United Kingdom




Exile, England, Spain, Europe, Barea, Castillejo, Jiménez Fraud, Madariaga


Despite the fact that there is relatively little written on the Spanish exiles from the Civil War who went to the United Kingdom, especially when compared with those who went to France, Mexico or Argentina, a large number of leading political, cultural and intellectual figures did in fact end up taking refuge there. This article will, first of all, identify these figures and the reasons for their choosing the United Kingdom as their place of exile, and, secondly, it will offer a brief analysis of the evolution of the ideas on Spain and Europe found in the work of four key figures (Arturo Barea, José Castillejo, Alberto Jiménez Fraud and Salvador de Madariaga) over the first stage of their exile (1936/1939-1951).


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How to Cite

Roberts, S. (2023). Exile in the United Kingdom: Arturo Barea, José Castillejo, Alberto Jiménez Fraud and Salvador de Madariaga, and their Ideas on Spain and Europe (1936-1951). TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (15), 134–146. https://doi.org/10.24310/TSN.2023.vi15.18165