María Zambrano and Edison Simons: a Friendship that was Born in the Riverbed of Lucrecia de León's Dreams


  • Manuela Moretti Università di Trento Italy



María Zambrano, Edison Simons, Lucrecia de León, dreams, Antigone


This paper focused on the intense friendship between María Zambrano and Edison Simons, in the perspective of their common interest in Los sueños de Lucrecia de León, a text belonging to the dreaming lady of the court of Felipe II involved in the most important and documented case of prophecies in the history of Spain. Starting from Zambrano's careful reading, Lucrecia's dreams will also be investigated through the images that flow like water in a riverbed, without crystallizing into abstract concepts. In addition, a reading of Lucrecia will be offered through the analogy with Antigone, another creature intact and innocent, that has a great importance in the thought of the Spanish female philosopher.


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How to Cite

Moretti, M. (2022). María Zambrano and Edison Simons: a Friendship that was Born in the Riverbed of Lucrecia de León’s Dreams. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, 7(13), 130–137.